Final Paper: The Space Between The Man and The Mask

The Space Between The Man and The Mask

At first when entertaining the metaphorical space between the man and the mask I found it difficult to understand the complexities involved.  Shakespeare, on the other hand, understood this space as an area of “airy nothing” for which the human experience and the world we inhabit can be examined.  Shakespeare’s adoration of poetics, language, art, and the human experience caused him to fill this space to promote conversation and meditation of all and nothing between the mask and man.  The mask I am defining is not the literal mask found in ritual, festival, and ceremony, but rather, the practice of Shakespeare the poet and playwright creating a space within the “boundary between all and nothing”(Turner 67) of which the “soul itself were not so much an entity, a being, as a reflexive process at the boundary of being” (Turner 67).  He enacts this through the highs and lows of his use of language within his work bringing forth “ two points of view” (Hughes 28) “ the objective” and “subjective”(Hughes 28) giving way to “consider subjectivity and objectivity as intersecting states struggling one against the other”(Yeats 71) creating these boundaries which in turn conceives space, so his characters may depict the depth of what it means to be human.  Throughout Shakespeare’s The Tempest, this space between the man and the mask is the site of dialog about art, love, ethics, individual identity, and ultimately the nothing that matters.

With the emerging cultural movement of the Age of Enlightenment, thought and ideas concerning spirituality, politics, and science had become a focus of not only the intellects, but also of the commoner.  In order to engage an audience and draw the masses to the theatre, Shakespeare needed to create something new that would stretch across the boundaries of class “ at every level—at the level of theme, of action, and of word”(Hughes 17) by creating “ a language of the common bond” (Hughes 17).  Hughes explains Shakespeare’s language as “ a common language of the highest and the lowest”(18), which “in the end, the common language of a profoundly articulated, esoteric, spiritual vision and of a domestic, popular tragic melodrama”(18).    The effect of the high and low nature of his language gives forth the to an interior/exterior, subjective/objective area of a “self contained circuit” (34) allowing boundaries to form and space to develop, invoking a middle of sorts.  Within The Tempest, the storm rages in the background while Miranda states,

If by your art, my dearest father, you have

Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them.

The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch

But that the sea, mounting to th’ welkin’s cheek,  (Act 1, Scene 2)


designing the boundaries of the earthy land and its “waters” to the upward expansion of the “sky.”  Reiterating the language in a reversed manner in the last line, Miranda phrases it “ the sea” to the “welkin’s cheek.” Both phrasing portrays a space to the audience where the physical dialog will take place and where the subjective/objective dialog will transfer to characters of the play, the subjective becomes stated as, “by your art” and the objective as, “my dearest father.”  Art, much like Shakespeare’s writing and Prospero’s magic being described as “art,” speaks to power and control man has at his will, for better or for worse.  The choice of how one uses their art is set between “ the dearest father” and the powerful magus.  The high and the low are literally depicted by the sky and the earth, the magician and the father.  The setting and actor/man become the macro boundary, creating an inner space, forcing the play away from the mask and closer to the man.   Prospero immediately confronts the implications of the macro boundaries as Miranda announces in her debut dialog by retorting highly,

            No harm

            I have done nothing but in care of thee—

            Art ignorant of what thou art, naught knowing

            Of whence I am, nor that I am more better

            Than Prospero, master of a full poor cell,

            And thy no greater father.  (Act 1 Scene 2)

Prospero’s language expresses his inflated self as his states, “ I have done nothing but in care of thee” to Miranda by placing himself above her, his “art,” and magician- self above the father- self.  Lowly he fixes the space as the mortal man, “master of a full poor cell” in conjunction with “ no greater father.”  Shakespeare gives a multidimensional view of the man Prospero, designing the man with a space for growth or enclosure of Shakespeare’s “ search for an imaginative synthesis of archaic religious emotion and new, moralizing, idealistic, suppressive reason, of the painfully colliding old world and the new”(Hughes 32). While Shakespeare confronts the inflated self-importance of man, along with the ideas of mysticism colliding with religion, he creates a space of meditation for his audience to reflect upon religion and power intersecting.  The man Prospero has been introduced to the audience as a combination of roles being father, magus, man, and god, inciting complexities of humanity by mirroring “ the idea of the world as language”(Turner 64).  Language becomes a theme and a centerpiece of discussion as Caliban remarks to Prospero,

You taught me language, and my profit on’t

Is, I know how to curse.  The red plague rid you

For learning me your language!

(Act 1 Scene 2)

Shakespeare combines “ language” and “profit” within the same line to establish an inner dialog of how power and economics go hand in hand, but stated from Caliban, “a savage and deformed slave,” he further implicates not only Prospero the character, but Shakespeare, the man, and the entire nation of England and its imperialistic practices far and near.  All the questions, sights, and sounds of morality, ethics, love, and nuances of humans is nothing but what Shakespeare needed to utilize the space between the mask and the man.

            Circumference of the globe, space between all and nothing, “the glance from heaven to earth”(Turner 67), constructs a confine that Shakespeare as the poet and playwright uses as exploration of his characters within their space between body and mask.  Once again this abstract metaphor can be examined in Shakespeare’s last and most succinct plays, The Tempest.  The island within The Tempest is a self-contained space allowing the actors/characters to be focused within their confines unable to leave until all negotiate the morality of existence and the larger existence of mankind.  Much like the “empty space inside the theatre,”(Turner 60) the bulk of the play’s moral and ethical conflicts are discussed within the confines of space. Ariel in Act 3 Scene 3 delivers a powerful speech concerning the nature of man,

            You are three ment of sin, whom destiny—

            That hathe to instrument this lower world

            And what is in’t—the never-surfeited sea

            Hath caused to belch up you, and on this island,

            Where man doth not inhabit, you ‘mongst men

            Being most unfit to love.  I have made you mad;

            And even with suchlike valor men hang and drown

            Their proper selves.


evoking an internal dialog, what is their sin?        Clearly unable to use language that is transparent in meaning, Shakespeare sets “ men” “ that hath to instrument this lower world and what is in’t” against “ the never-surfeited sea” to establish space where he can implicate the dominating nature of man to the point of being toxic and as a necessity the are “belched up” by the sea.   Further examining the nature of man, Shakespeare depicts the ego of man and it’s foolishness by connecting the notion of “ valor men” and “hang and drown/ their proper selves” to illustrate bravery can be an illusion of the true state of mortality.  Turner expresses the idea, “if life is a game, then is it not noble to play it as well as, or better than, something more “serious”?” (52) to relate Shakespeare as god-like creator to his own god-like character Prospero. Although Prospero is not a creator of beings, he is the creator of the play acted out within The Tempest, depicting he is able to control the fate of those amongst his players, which acts as a reflection upon himself and his own fate. Prospero in rumination of his power and what is left to be designed, announces,

            Bravely the figure of this harpy hast thou

            Performed, my Ariel; a grace it had, devouring.

            Of my instruction hast thou nothing bated

            In what thou hadst to say. So, with good life

            And observation strange, my meaner ministers

            Their several kinds have done.  My high charms work,

            And these, mine enemies, are all knit up

            In their distractions.  They now are in my power;

And in these fits I leave them, while I visit

Young Ferdinand, whom they suppose is drowned,

And his and mine loved darling.  (Act3 Scene3)


and depicts the loyal Ariel in elevation by “ grace” and the lowly demeaning act of his loyalty through “ devouring.”   Now that Prospero’s “ high charms work” and his “ enemies, are all knit up” in his “power” he is free to solidify the love between Ferdinand and his “ loved darling” while gaining a step closer to lessening the gap between the mask and the man and closer to a singular self.  The nothing of this spacious area holds Prospero the magus “weightless thoughts”(Turner 67) which can “ effectively control the massive universe itself,”( 67) the universe of Shakespeare’s Globe and the world itself.  After the ceremonial unification of Miranda and Ferdinand, Prospero announces his “airy nothings”, the space made by subjectivity and objectivity, the space between gods and men, and the space between the man and the mask, though his great valediction to the play,

            Our revels now are ended.  These our actors,

            As I foretold you, were all spirits and

Are melted into air, into thin air;

And, like the vase less fabric of this vision,

The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces,

 The solemn temples, the great globe itself,

Yea, all this insubstantial pageant faded,

Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff

As dreams are make on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep. Sir, I am vexed.

Bear with my weakness: my old brain is troubled.

Be not disturbed with my infirmity.

If you be pleased, retire into my cell

And there repose, A turn or two I’ll walk

To still my beating mind.

Shakespeare through Prospero had created love, enslavement, and freedom though the “actors” in the play, giving the weight and height of importance relative to “ cloud-capped towers” and “gorgeous palaces”, “solemn temples” and “the great globe itself.” Although his examples of importance have great physical and weight and height, he returns to the weightless, “insubstantial” “dreams” and the “ empty space inside the theatre” (Turner 60) “ as the active seizing of control over the world”(Turner 60).  Prospero is completing his “ rounded “ reality to become one with his thoughts and the actors upon his stage. 

            Shakespeare, in the final epilogue of The Tempest, brings Prospero to a close and within the act fuses the mask to the man needing the space no more.  As his “charms are all o’erthrown” the audience has “confined” as a singular man in need of being freed from “ his bands” in order to end his “despair” to become with the world and the “airy nothings.”  The mask and the man become one and the lessons of morality, love, ethics, and all worldly matters come to a close.  The audience is now free to leave and carry on the thoughts and dreams of what matters.

            Shakespeare’s metaphorical space between the man and the mask has been a powerful influence on language, science, ethics, morality, poetics, and theater.  Through the use of language and the philosophy of nothing, Shakespeare’s plays create boundaries and in turn space, with the space being dissolved when the contemplations have been resolved.  Within The Tempest, Prospero is able to create this resolve though the art of contemplation and action and the understanding that the nothing Shakespeare embraces is the “poets eye”(Turner 67) glancing “from earth to heaven and back, this is from the known or existent to the unknown or nonexistent and back”(Turner 67).  














Work Cited

Hughes, Ted.  Shakespeare Essentials. New York, New York. Harper Collins, 1991.


Turner, Fredrick. “The School Of Night” Corona Vol. 4. 1986: 48-69.


Yeats, W.B.  A Vision.  USA. The Macmillan Company. 1938.

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The short, but sweet evening with Frederick Turner was a combination of intellectual poetics and accessible images that perhaps may be the finest reading I will encounter in my lifetime.  Much of his poetry leant itself to a theme of movement, flow, and to the nature of wandering. The Undiscovered Country touched on the loneliness of solitude, but the humanistic nature of  escape and learning.  While we were captivated by his language I couldn’t help but think of ” the empty space inside the theatre, populated only by weightless thoughts and imaginings, ” airy nothings,” ” the forms of things unknown,” can influence the universe itself outside its walls.  The fulcrum is the trope, the transforming leverage of metaphorical language.  Artistic mimesis is in this sense and originating and creative force, not a passive copy but an active seizing of control over the world”( Turner 60).  Turner truly lives up to his own words.

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Sylvia Plath’s poem Ariel may seem at first glance to be inspired by her horse, but may it be her horse was named after the fairy character Ariel in The Tempest.  Regardless, Plath was inspired by Shakespeare’s The Tempest, especially the power displayed by Prospero and his magical servant, Ariel.  Plath’s horse enacts as a servant of sorts, enabling her power, freedom and expression.



Stasis in darkness.
Then the substanceless blue
Pour of tor and distances.
God’s lioness,
How one we grow,
Pivot of heels and knees!—The furrow
Splits and passes, sister to
The brown arc
Of the neck I cannot catch,
Berries cast dark
Black sweet blood mouthfuls,
Something else
Hauls me through air—
Thighs, hair;
Flakes from my heels.
Godiva, I unpeel—
Dead hands, dead stringencies.
And now I
Foam to wheat, a glitter of seas.
The child’s cry
Melts in the wall.
And I
Am the arrow,
The dew that flies
Suicidal, at one with the drive
Into the red
Eye, the cauldron of morning.

Sylvia Plath, “Ariel” from Collected Poems. Copyright © 1960, 1965, 1971, 1981 by the Estate of Sylvia Plath. Editorial matter

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Signs of Youth

After reading Signs and Symbols, I was mildly confused as to what the deeper meaning was. We discussed in class the idea of a child returning to his parents as a main theme of the story but I was totally convinced this was the only theme.  Comparing Turners essay to Signs and symbols opened another possibility.  Turner argues within King Lear ” when the King’s crown is broken in two it is both All and Nothing that are broken: the circle stands fro the globe(and the Globe) and for the zero.  What is left is only numbers, eggshells, pea-pods, parings, oyster-shell, empty eye-sockets”(68) all of which is circular in form and metaphor.  With these images and the idea of All and Nothing, I see the father within Signs and symbols as seeking the return to youth. Or in other words, it is not the son returning to the parents, but rather the parents, mainly the father, returning to his son.  The pauses created within the story such as”The subway train lost its life current between two stations and for a quarter of an hour they could hear nothing but the dutiful beating of their hearts and the rustling of newspapers. The bus they had to take next was late and kept them waiting a long time on a street corner, and when it did come, it was crammed with garrulous high-school children” are moments in which the parents are forced to reflect their lives and especially of their immenent aging with the absence of their youth and ultimately a need to return to this.  Death is the return, the circular process of All and Nothing and realizing the time is near the father much reach out to his son, but unlike in the past, he must find a way that is on his sons terms. Turner writes ” The soft life that the whole-hole protects is split, and lies naked to the storm”(68) and the father and son are exactly this “soft life” that has been split.  The quince, as a smbolic offering is the father’s need to return to his son, his youth, and the center of love.

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Light Sonnet

Dawns light batter my eyes, cold air despair,                                                                               sun slowly ascends warming loose ends                                                                        reminding me your voice will soon repair,                                                                           inviting sweet laughter to powerfully mend.

Dream-like, dream-inspite, you followed me home                                                           clouds broke, tolls were payed and somehow you stayed                                                         to walk with me in the rain, to unknown                                                                                     days in blooming stalks torched by marmalade.

Your strength, your steady, may falter, but I’ll be ready                                                                 to hold you straight-fast and follow you home                                                                           Gazing into nothing, kisses plenty                                                                                             build a fire, light for new grown stone.

Your lucid mind adored, strung tight like twine                                                                       over time we’ll make, create, and fined shine.

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Hamlet in Purgatory

Purgatory, the state of being in a state or place of purification or temporary punishment by which those who die in a state of grace.  Hamlet, in the thrones of powerless medium, is much like youthful beings of today.  A state of purposeful meaning of moral and myth colliding together masking the ultimate degradation of a young mans idea of femininity and masculinity creating a young mans despair. Stephen Greenblatt states  “Purgatory… was not simply a fraud; it was a piece of poetry.” This is the state of nothing, the idea place to allow everything, the questions of morals, life, death, and all that is not gainful, by most standards to flourish and be examined.

Although  I’ve tried to stray away from my previous thoughts on Turners ideas of nothing, and the implications involved, Shakespeare’s writing does not give way to my thoughts.  As Hamlet says ” Two thousand souls and twenty thousand ducats, will not debate the question of this straw, this is the imposthume of much wealth and peace, that inward breaks, that shows no cause without why the man dies.” Death demands the living to perform the ultimate act of remembrance, the performance Hamlet was born to recreate. Shakespeare, we all want to be remembered? Where’s my Hamlet?

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Sabrina’s blog “Engagement and Detachment”  raises the idea that the two exist as separate and unequal positions of a whole.  This may seem to hold some truth, but when one looks deeper, the act of engaging or detaching from something finds itself complicated and even the reverse of what one may think.  Detachment can be a source of finding purity and essence to the act of being.  The state of living, creating, and inviting in the unknown through detachment of the self allows an openness to discover the deeper meaning to questions and ultimately allowing the idea of nothing to have it’s meaning.  Mythology works much in this way.  In order to find meaning and invoke engagement one must first detach from what is thought to be understood. Shakespeare addresses this thought as he writes, ” By their increase, now knows not which is which”( Midsummer, Act II SC.1), by invoking the idea that what one thinks they know may interfere with what they could know. Within theater, this can simply be characters physical forms, audiences presupposed ethical and moral ideals, or a modernistic embrace of practicality.  The act of storytelling itself is a combination of the writer disconnecting from the self, while also engaging with the self, in order to reveal stories that are timeless to an audience.  Within acting, the actor must detach from the earth and engage with the Globe, or vice versa.  All of which returns to the idea that the mask allows engagement through the very practice of detachment.  To state this simply, detachment is not a negative, but rather, a positive and integral piece in understanding the complexity of life that the stage reveals.

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In Hughes’s essay, his exploration of Shakespeare’s language leads to the conclusion,  “he (Shakespeare) invented a language that is somehow closer to the vital, expressive life of English, still, than anything set down since”(46).  The quality of his language combined with portrayal of life in the mythic theater influences all poets and writers of the past and present. The struggle of mimicry or rebelliousness of Shakespeare is as common as the sun rising and setting every day.  As the grandeur and proliferation of the ancient Myths, so to is the influence of Shakespeare.  Poets like Wordsworth, Blake, Plath, and Elliot could feel the words of Shakespeare all around them.

The Bull of Bendylaw

by Sylvia Plath

The black bull bellowed before the sea.
The sea, till that day orderly,
Hove up against Bendylaw.
The queen in the mulberry arbor stared
Stiff as a queen on a playing card.
The king fingered his beard.

A blue sea, four horny bull-feet,
A bull-snouted sea that wouldn’t stay put,
Bucked at the garden gate.

Along box-lined walks in the florid sun
Toward the rowdy bellow and back again
The lords and ladies ran.

The great bronze gate began to crack,
The sea broke in at every crack,
Pellmell, blueblack.

The bull surged up, the bull surged down,
Not to be stayed by a daisy chain
Nor by any learned man.

O the king’s tidy acre is under the sea,
And the royal rose in the bull’s belly,
And the bull on the king’s highway.

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The high and low, the feather and the weight, the elite and the lowly, all of which create boundaries, which in turn create space.  This space allows for the mind to wander, to fixate upon the possibilities of joining the two extremes, a bonding of sorts.  Hughes says Shakespeare used language to control this space, allowing an an expression of mediocrity and grandeur to be composed for masses to enjoy and invoke the existing spiritual ideals along with the current of scientific thought.  Paradoxes of interior and exterior, subject and object become examined to further thought and enlighten the masses. Theater is more than than the mask, it is the expression of the space where the body ends and the mask begins.

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If we are to think life is a stage and incorporate Marlowe’s ” idea of men as gods” then the actor/characters of Shakespeare are the representation of all and nothing.  According to Turner, Shakespeare “grounds his new ethics on neither nature nor on the inborn essential soul, but rather on an act of art, a social chess game in which the game itself establishes the spiritual identity of its players,”allowing the god like men to transcend the meaningless by establishing a power that informs and enlightens it’s audience.  This takes the nothing into a realm of the celestial importance, redefining the stage of life and art, as the ultimate space for the soul of human kind.  Shakespeare’s stage gives power and importance to even the smallest, seemingly inconsequential of creatures :49930

She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes

In shape no bigger than an agate-stone 

On the fore-finger of an alderman,
 Drawn with a team of little atomies
Athwart men’s noses as they lie asleep.
Her chariot is an empty hazel-nut
 Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub,
Time out o’ mind the fairies’ coachmakers.
 Her wagon-spokes made of long spinners’ legs,
The cover of the wings of grasshoppers,
 The traces of the smallest spider’s web,
 The collars of the moonshine’s watery beams,
 Her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film,
Her wagoner a small grey-coated gnat,
 Not so big as a round little worm
Prick’d from the lazy finger of a maid.
 And in this state she gallops night by night
Through lovers’ brains, and then they dream of love;
 O’er courtiers’ knees, that dream on cur’sies straight,
O’er lawyers’ fingers, who straight dream on fees,
O’er ladies’ lips, who straight on kisses dream,
Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues,
 Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are.
Sometime she gallops o’er a courtier’s nose,
 And then dreams he of smelling out a suit;
 And sometime comes she with a tithe-pig’s tail
Tickling a parson’s nose as a’ lies asleep,
 Then dreams, he of another benefice:
Sometime she driveth o’er a soldier’s neck,
And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats,
 Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades,
 Of healths five-fathom deep; and then anon
 Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes,
And being thus frighted swears a prayer or two
And sleeps again. This is that very Mab
That plats the manes of horses in the night,
And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs,
Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes:
This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs,
 That presses them and learns them first to bear,
 Making them women of good carriage.
This is she—

What seemly is nothing, changes everything.

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